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 Post subject: Wish List
PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:35 pm 
Posts: 1
Dear Raphael,

I have recently downloaded EL and no doubt this is the best looper I ever jumped in. Neat and simple, focus on boosting creativity rather than on learning complex commands and operations, like many other hardware loopers.

Nevertheless I think that something may be added to improve user friendliness and better operation, when using live.
I find basic operations very simple to use (volumes control, pause, start, stop, merge, etc.).
Nevertheless some of the toggle action is more complex ann not easy to use especally in a live performance.
I suggest to include the possibility to have customisable control buttons beside each track.
Toggle between volume control and pan, toggle mute/unmute, toggle quantize/free.
It can be optional and customisable. That is, I can choose to have the buttons beside the track or simply use the standard control mode (standard control mode may be left on even if I use toggle buttons), I can choose to have 1,2 or 3 toggle button.
Probably is not very workable on the iPhone version but it will be really usable on iPad and still preserve the very neat look EL.

Anyway, great App!
Probably the most enjoyable I have downloaded from App Store so far!

 Post subject: Re: Wish List
PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:46 pm 
Mancing Dolecules Team
Posts: 307
Hi mennix,

Thanks for taking the time to write your feedback. I will try to answer it the best I can :).

Nevertheless some of the toggle action is more complex ann not easy to use especally in a live performance. I suggest to include the possibility to have customisable control buttons beside each track.

I agree with that and I have had a few brainstormings with myself to solve this without affecting the look and feel of the app. So for this reason as long as I can keep buttons out of the main screen, I will.

Toggle between volume control and pan, toggle mute/unmute, toggle quantize/free.

But the good news is that I came with a solution that you may not be aware of. You can tap the square zone that is at each end of a track to trigger specific behavior depending on the state of the track. It's the area that shows mute and recording quantization feedback.

If the track is just playing, it'll toggle quantized mute. If the track is recording, it'll toggle quantization. And finally if the track is pending recording through quantization, it'll toggle between overdub and replace recording.

It doesn't solve all the problems, but I'm still working on it ;) . However I didn't had the impression that the volume/pan gesture was problematic.

Cheers !


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