Hi Raphaël,
thanks for your Answer,
I think you get it right, the things you can download are the 4 tracks themselves. The maximum for each track is 45 seconds.
Well and there might be the Problem, i just can Record from the Begin of the Screen, till its End, so about 5 Secs, i tested via Garageband (line out/-in) and all Tracks are around 5 Seconds.
On the other Side i found out by accident, that if i fill the first Track with a longer Sequence, the Rest Tracks follow them, so if the first track is 4 Sec´s, Track 2 cant be longer, what if it´s supposed to be, kinda sad. My Idea was to start with a Beat on Track 1, follow with another Beat on Track2 and merge them and so on, but as far i get it is that not possible, right?
On that one Record we talked about (Nicenice)is just one Track to hear (as you can see in the Screen, there are 3 Tracks recorded) and the others are not muted or so…
And also is it possible, to integrate the Parts where some tracks are muted and then come back in it?
I don't get what you mean here, could you elaborate ?
Well i ment, that what Ed showed in the Videos, is that possible to make on a Record, but when i longer think about it, my Thinking about it is wrong i gues, its more a Loopstation than a Musicstudio, right? ;o)
The tracks have to be of the same length or multiple of each others if you want them to stay rhythmically synced.
The Part with the multiple i dont get, could you explane that or give me a Link where i can read about it?
Best wishes