Mancing Dolecules

Ableton link
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Author:  loyerman [ Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Ableton link

Still my Favorite looper after all these years, I miss the feature of linking other musicians in time with everyday looper. Ableton link is the best way to do this in a very accurate and uncomplicated way.
I hope this feature will come with one of the next updates.
As a guitarist using everyday looper, I also whish to tap on my footboard (Bluetooth midi Le)
Play, stop, record, and pause are already possible. It just Would be great to have mute and track up- track track down and other possibilities as well for a more comfortable playing.
To use some effects from other apps audiobus would top my dreams!!!!!

Can your fans, Raphael , hope for some of these features?

Cheers, Loy

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